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Ruby Continue in Do While Loop

I will start this chapter by asking you to take your friend's name as input. The solution is simple, you will use 'gets.chomp'. Now, if you have to ask the name of two friends, then you will use 'gets.chomp' two times. Now, suppose you have to take input of the name of 50 students.
No, no, no, using 'gets.chomp' for 50 times is not a good option. This kind of situations can be easily handled using loops. You will learn while loop in this chapter.

Before going further with loops, let's deal with something else first.

                            i              =              1              puts              i              i              =              i              +              1              puts              i              i              =              i              *              5              puts              i              i              =              i              +              10              puts              i              i              =              i              *              10              puts              i            


The priority of '=' operator is lesser than that of '+' and '-'. So, it is also lesser than the priorities of *, / and **.

Initially, the value i is 1. Since the priority of + is higher than that of =, therefore in i = i+1, i+1 is 2 ( and it will be evaluated first ). So, this expression becomes equivalent to i = 2.
Now coming to i = i*5 - 5 gets multiplied to i ( 'i' is 2 ), so the expression becomes equivalent to 'i = 10'.
Then we add 10 to 'i' and assign the 'sum' to 'i', thus making the value of i equal to '20'. At last, we have, i = i*10. Considering * operator first, i*10 becomes 200 and the expression becomes i = 200.

Now you are ready to learn loops. A loop is same as its name. It repeats the codes inside its body to a fixed number of times ( not necessarily ). Let's see an example of while loop to print the multiplication table of 14 on screen:

                            i              =              1              while              i              <=              10              puts              i              *              14              i              =              i              +              1              end            


So, the syntax of while loop is

                        while            condition            statement            statement            statement            statement            ....            end          

A loop will run till its condition is getting sattisfied or the condition is true. The condition of the while loop in the above question is i<=10. This means that the codes inside the while loop will repeat if 'i' is less than or equal to 10.

Initially, 'i' is 1. The condition of while (i<=10) gets satisfied since the value of i is 1 (1 is less than 10). Thus the body of while gets executed and 'i*14' i.e., 1*14 (14) gets printed on the screen.
In the next line, i = i+1, increases the value of 'i' by 1, making its value equal to 2.
Again the condition of while loop gets satisfied, since the value of 'i' is 2 this time ( 2 is less than 10 ). Again its body gets executed and 'i*14' ( 2*14 ) i.e., 28 gets printed on the screen and 'i' fursther increased to 3.
Similarly, in 10th iteration, 'i' is 10 and 'i<=10' gets satisfied and 'i*14' ( 10*14 ) i.e., 140 gets printed on the screen and 'i' gets increased to 11.
Again checking the condition of while loop (i<=10) with 'i' equals 11, the condition is not satisfied and the loop stops.

So now you know that in the above example, the while loop will stop when i becomes greater than 10.

while loop in ruby

We use end in while loop also to end a while loop as used with if, else clause. end with while loop indicates the body of while loop ( where the while loop is terminating ).

Example including if and else

                                #initially more is 'True' to run the while loop for atleast once                more                =                true                while                more                ==                true                #Taking marks from user for marks                puts                "Enter you name"                name                =                gets                .                chomp                puts                "Maths marks"                maths_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "Science marks"                science_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "English marks"                english_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "Computer marks"                comupter_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                total                =                maths_marks                +                science_marks                +                english_marks                +                comupter_marks                # using 400.0 to get faction value else if total will be less than 400(and mostly it will be) then it will be 0                percentage                =                (                total                /                400                .                0                )                *                100                puts                "                #{                name                }                                  your total marks is                                #{                total                }                                  and your percentage is                                #{                percentage                }                "                #User have to enter y if he want to run it again                puts                "Want to enter more y/n"                a                =                gets                .                chomp                if                a!                =                "y"                #if user enters other than 'y' then making 'more' to 'False' to stop the loop. As condition in while will not be satisfied then                more                =                false                end                end              


Enter your name
Maths marks
Science marks
English marks
Computer marks
sam , your total marks is 361 and your percentage is 90.25
Want to enter more y/n
Enter your name
Maths marks
Science marks
English marks
Computer marks
rai , your total marks is 359 and your percentage is 89.75
Want to enter more y/n

The code inside the body of while is simple. It is taking marks as input and calculating the percentage and printing it on the screen.
After printing the total marks and percentage, again the user is asked to press 'y' or 'n' depending on whether the user wants to calculate more or not.
Now, if the user enters 'n', then the value of more will become false and then the condition of the loop ( more == true ) will not be satisfied and thus the loop will stop. But if the user enters 'y', then there will be no effect on the variable more, and the loop will be executed again.

The above 'while' will run till 'more' is true and it can change if we don't give 'y' to 'a'. (if a!= "y" -> more = false). And if we enter 'y', then whole loop will run again because 'more' is not changed and is still true.

Breaking of while loop

break is used to come out of the loop whenever we want. Whenever a loop encounters 'break', it just stops there and executes the rest of the code written after the loop. See this example to understand it more clearly.

                                #initially more is 'True' to run the while loop for atleast once                while                true                #Taking marks from user for marks                puts                "Enter you name"                name                =                gets                .                chomp                puts                "Maths marks"                maths_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "Science marks"                science_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "English marks"                english_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "Computer marks"                comupter_marks                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                total                =                maths_marks                +                science_marks                +                english_marks                +                comupter_marks                # using 400.0 to get faction value else if total will be less than 400(and mostly it will be) then it will be 0                percentage                =                (                total                /                400                .                0                )                *                100                puts                "                #{                name                }                                  your total marks is                                #{                total                }                                  and your percentage is                                #{                percentage                }                "                #User have to enter y if he want to run it again or n to terminate                puts                "Want to enter more y/n"                a                =                gets                .                chomp                if                a                ==                "n"                break                end                end              


Enter your name
Maths marks
Science marks
English marks
Computer marks
sam , your total marks is 361 and your percentage is 90.25
Want to enter more y/n
Enter your name
Maths marks
Science marks
English marks
Computer marks
rai , your total marks is 359 and your percentage is 89.75
Want to enter more y/n

while true : The condition of the while loop is always true. This means that the loop will run forever ( infinite loop ). To stop this, we can use break and we have used it.
if a == "n" -> break : If a user enters n ( n for no ), then the loop will stop there. Any other statement of the loop will not be further executed. It is that simple. The remaining code is just the same as used in the previous example.

Infinite loop

As mentioned above, it is possible for a loop to run forever if its condition is always true. Let's see an example:

                                while                true                puts                "I love Ruby"                end              


I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby
I love Ruby

Press ctrl+c to stop this loop

Nesting of loop

Nesting means having one loop inside another. It means to have a loop inside the body of other loop. You have already studied about having one if under another, it is also similar. Let's see an example first.

                            a              =              5              b              =              1              while              a              >              0              while              b              <=              5              puts              "*"              *              b              b              =              b              +              1              a              =              a              -              1              end              end            


Here, a is 5 and b is 1.
In the first iteration of the outer while loop, a is 1 and the inner while loop is inside the body of the outer while loop. So, the inner while loop will be executed and "*"*1 ( b is 1 ) i.e "*" will be printed and b will become 2 and a will become 4.
Now, the inner while loop will be executed again ( as b is 2 and b<=5 ), so "*"*2 i.e. "**" will be printed and the values of both b and a will become 3.
Again, only the inner loop will be executed and "*"*3 i.e. "***" will be printed. In the last iteration of inner while loop (with b equals 5), "*"*5 i.e. "*****" will be printed and b will become 6 and a will become 0.
Again the condition of inner while loop will be checked but it will be found false ( since the value of b is 6 ).
Now, the second iteration of the outer while will occur but since a is 0, so its condition is also false. So, it will also stop.

In short, there is nothing new in nesting of loops. Inner loop is like the other statements of a loop, after executing once, it will be completed first and then the rest of the statements of the outer loop will be executed.
Let's have a look on one more example on this:

                                a                =                5                while                a                >                0                b                =                1                while                b                <=                5                puts                "*"                *                b                b                =                b                +                1                end                a                =                a                -                1                end              



Try to understand this example yourself. Just go step by step with every while loop and you will understand this.

Making our own digital dice

Though this is not graphical but we will construct the working structure. You can learn to link graphics to this or any game after completing this course. For now, let's do this first.

                                puts                "Give lower limit of dice"                a                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "Give upper limit of dice"                b                =                gets                .                chomp                .                to_i                puts                "type q to Quit or any other key/enter to continue"                while                true                puts                ">>>                                #{                rand                (                a                ..                b                )                }                "                #rand is generating random number between a and b                if                gets                .                chomp                ==                'q'                #if 'q' is entered then come out of loop                break                ;                end                end              


Give lower limit of dice
Give upper limit of dice
type q to Quit or any other key/enter to continue
>>> 1
>>> 2
>>> 2
>>> 5
>>> 4
>>> 3
>>> 6
>>> 3

rand function is used to generate a random numbers. rand(a .. b) will generate a random number between 'a' and 'b'. (a .. b) is the range function. You will study about this in Array chapter.


until is another loop provided by Ruby. It is exactly opposite of while loop. Thus, it repeats the codes inside its body till its condition is false. Let's see an example over this.

                            i              =              0              until              i              >              5              puts              i              i              =              i              +              1              end            


When i becomes greater than 5, then the condition ( i>5 ) becomes true and the loop stops. Yes, as I mentioned earlier, it is opposite of while loop.


The next thing is begin. First have a look at its syntax and an example.

                        begin            statement            statement            statement            statement            ....            end            while            condition          
                        begin            statement            statement            statement            statement            ....            end            until            condition          

The codes inside begin will be executed once ( first time ) without checking the condition of while/until. It is the same as 'do while' loop of languages like C, Java, etc. The codes inside begin will be executed once then, from second iteration it will start checking the condition of while or until. Let's see examples

                            i              =              0              begin              puts              i              i              =              i              +              1              end              while              i              <              5            


                            i              =              0              begin              puts              i              i              =              i              +              1              end              until              i              <              5              puts              i            


Here, for the first time, the statements inside begin were executed, so 0 got printed on the screen and 'i' got increased to 1. After this, the condition of until was checked and it was found true ( until will run if condition is false ), so the loop stopped. After the loop, puts i printed the value of 'i' i.e. 1 ( value was increased to 1 in the first iteration of the loop ).

Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong.


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